That Was Scary!

Do Stephen King movies get a bad rap?  Is it really worth our time to watch all the Children of the Corn movies?  Will the Dark Tower ever be made?  Those are questions for greater minds to tackle. . .

I was thinking about some scary moments in Stephen King movies.  I mean, even if the movie itself wasn't fantabulous, sometimes a movie has a "moment" that is so scary, it sticks with you long after.  Here are some of my favorite scary moments from Stephen King movies:

1. Obviously the end of Carrie.

2. The two dead girls in The Shining.  And in particular, the flashes of the murder scene. 

3. The children's voices down the drain in IT.

4. When the bloody rope comes back in The Mist.  Also, the flying creatures in the store were great!

5. The kid killing the old man in Pet Semetary.  Also, the end of that movie was pretty good.  Not to mention the bathtub scene (no, I'm not confusing it with The Shining).

6. Misery: Annie Wilkes with the sledge hammer rising over Paul's leg.  You keep thinking, she won't do it!  But, she does!

7. The murder scenes when George Stark is doing his handy work in The Dark Half.

8. The Beaver sitting on the potty in Dreamcatcher.  When he drops that toothpick, most of us were yelling at the scream not to reach for it.

9. The guy on the ledge holding on for dear life in Cat's Eye.

10. The vampires in the original Salem's Lot.

Okay, I'm leaving out a trillion scenes.  So please, what Stephen King movie moments scared you?


  1. It's lost a bit of its punch in the years since, but the first time I saw Barlow leap into frame in the jailhouse sequence in "Salem's Lot," I just about pooped on myself.

  2. You mention the dead girl scene in The Shining and that is really good. The lead up to that scene and another scene or two where Danny is riding his big wheel through the halls and over the carpets are scary because you know bad things are about to happen. Those scenes with the big wheel are magnificent film making.

  3. The little dead kid floating at his brother's window in Salem's Lot. Also, the scene in the same where the gravedigger opens the dead kid's coffin and gets a big surprise.

  4. The sister in Pet Semetary is probably the scariest thing in any SK movie.
    Or the fact that David Schwimmer was in Apt Pupil.
