It's Just An Opinion

At the end of a blog that offers very little new, Dave Rosenthal at the Baltimore Sun gives a quick p.s. . . . "The controversy that he kicked up months ago by criticizing Stephenie Meyer stills rages on Read Street. We've had more than 700 comments on the issue, some applauding him, others saying he's just jealous."

What did King say? I already cited it once, but I was startled to see that people are still talking about it. I'm actually surprised King didn't back down, since it is kind of hurtful. (He siad Meyer can't write) But, may I also say: That's his opinion. It's not my opinion. It's not necessarily his families opinion, his friends opinion. . . who knows -- it's just his opinion. And at least on this planet in this country, he gets to say what his opinion is.

Here's where it get creepy: Some people seem to think his thinking it makes it true! If King thinks Meyer can't write. . . then it must be! Or, maybe he just doesn't like her writing.

There's a lot of modern art I don't like. Does my opinion lessen that work? Not really. My opinion says more about ME than it does the person or thing I have an opinion of. So what do I know? Nothing much about Meyers writing. What I know is that King doesn't like it.

Or, maybe, the Sun has some interest in keeping the story alive. either way, it seems like a pretty dead issue.

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