10 Scariest Stephen King Novels

scifiwire posted "10 scariest Stephen King novels." http://scifiwire.com/2009/10/10-scariest-stephen-king.php So here it is. See if you see a problem:
1. The Shining (1977)
2. 'Salem's Lot (1975)
3. Pet Semetary (1982)
4. Cujo (1981)
5. Misery (1987)
6. The Stand (Complete and Uncut Version) (1990)
7. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
8. Cell (2006)
9. Gerald's Game (1992)
10. Carrie (1974)
Do these people read Stephen King very often? Are these the only books they've read?
As Halloween approaches, the most frustrating thing is that everyone publishes their scary book list on Halloween. Kinda misses the "season" -- doesn't it? You aren't going to read 10, or even 1, scary book just on Halloween. And after Halloween, let's all face it, Christmas season begins. Now that's truly scary!
First of all: Geralds Game and Cujo, while intense and well written, are not exactly scary! That was the list, right? Scary. So, let me offer my list of truly scary King books:
1. It. Why didn't IT even make their list? A monster stalks little kids -- and scifiwire wasn't scared? Come on! I was shivering under the sheets. This book is the true face of horror.
2. The Shining. A haunted hotel. This was great
3. 'Salem's Lot. Dracula comes to America. True Halloween stuff
4. Needful Things. The fight in the street, knifes and such -- wonderful. Gory. Truly scary
5. Pet Semetary. A dead child buried in ancient Indian grounds comes back alive. . . and ready to kill mommy and daddy. Anyone not scared? It's like a haunting version of Christianity. Resurrection gone bad!
6. The Stand. This one has scenes that are scary. The tunnel, other Abigail and the wolves, etc
7. Desperation. A book that opens with a crucified cat should be on anyones list of most scary King novels. And Tac the Demon Sheriff deserves a little more credit for his scaryness.
8. Cell. First King brought Vampires to America, then modern America got a cell phone call: The zombies are coming!
9. The Dark Half. What if your alter-ego was alive and well -- killing people? I thought it was scary.
10. Carrie. Short and to the point, I think this book is really more a novella. However, it is definately spooky. It rightly set the stage to typecast the author as the King of Horror.
Anyone want to offer their 10 scariest King novels?


  1. no IT on that list? it officially sucks

  2. for me the scariest is Pet Sematary. no doubt

  3. Not a novel, but the short story Boogeyman is a great tale of the hook for Halloween.
