Where's The Audio?

One reason I got hooked on Stephen King early was because I could listen to him -- unabridged. That's important! I hate chopped up books. Like trying to read cliffnotes.

But, it's hard to get your hands on "classic" King on audio. Some of the really early stuff is out on audio, Carrie, Salem's Lot and the Shining. As well as Night shift. As they came out, one after another, I had hopes that it was the start of a new day in King world. Maybe all those good old novels could be revisited on audio. But. . . then it all came to a grinding hault.

Where is:
The Stand. A version NOT read by Grover Gardner, please! Come on, a boaring British voice reading an American novel didn't work. And, it was hard to find -- not on tape that I know of.

The Dead Zone
Fire Starter.
Pet Sematary
Eyes of the Dragon
The tommy Knockers
The Dark Half

After the Dark half, everything seems to ahve gone to audio. And no whining about length! If an affordable audio edition of UTD could be made, then IT and other "biggies" should not be a problem.

So if anyone at Doubleday or Viking is looking for a way to bring in more money on books already proven to be best sellers, why not put this stuff on audio for us?


  1. I haven't actually listened to any of them yet, but I've got audio versions of every single one of the books on your list. I, uh, found them somewhere on the Internet. I have no idea who reads most of them or where they came from, but there they are.
