Vintage Carrie Paperback

Looking for a copy of Carrie the other night, and my kids brought me the original movie cover paperback.  I forgot I had it!  It's pretty tattered (not by me) and even the cover is creased.  It's really a cool copy because it so reflects the times.

What makes it different:
1. The cover shows a blood drenched Sissy Spacek.
2. Title: "CARRIE" by Stephen King Author of 'Salem's Lot.  These days covers  say, "by the author of Under The Dome" or some current title.
3. There are movie pictures in the middle.
4. The list of books in the front only have  one other King title, 'Salem's Lot.  The rest are other  authors.  No, "Other books my Stephen King" with a long list.

What vintage King books do you own that are cool?  (they don't have to be first editions, just stuff that makes ya happy)


  1. I bought myself a copy of that around the time the remake came out! I remember being traumatized by seeing someone's copy when I was a kid; I -- oddly -- became a little nostalgic over that long-ago emotional trauma a few months back, and figured the new movie was a good excuse to indulge in tracking down a copy of the book in question.

  2. What I love about my vintage paperback of CARRIE [1st Signet printing, April 1975] is that the cover has no title nor author byline. It just has an uncredited painting of Carrie's face juxtaposed over the shadow of her profile limned in a blue aura with the words "A NOVEL OF A GIRL POSSESSED OF A TERRIFYING POWER" across the top front center.

    The hardcover edition must have really made an impression, since there are nine blurbs stacked up on the back cover.

  3. p.s.

    The title and author byline are reserved for the inside cover. The endpapers for this Signet paperback edition of CARRIE, at the front of the book, depict orange flames emerging from the township; while the back endpaper shows a blackened, curling town map mostly burned away except for a spire from the church steeple, presumably.

    This is the Stephen King novel I look forward to re-reading the most. Where it all began.
