Mick Garris Enters The Dead Zone

Do you like Mick Garris?  I love his work -- with the exception of one movie, Sleepwalkers.  Garris has been releasing a series of really fun commentaries called "Trailers From Hell."

I think Garris is dead on when he says:
"The lousy King movies are the ones that think it's just about the monster in the closet.  To me the good ones realize it's about the people who live in the house with the monsters in the closet.  King's appeal, like that of Charles Dickens in another era, is that he lives in the world of his audience.  He isn't telling a story, but living it with you. His people have a rich emotional core."
There's a lot of these at youtube.


  1. Here's a question, does Dead Zone deserve a remake?


  2. I think the better question is: Should a remake be inflicted on such a good film ?
