Karen Tay has an article titled, "Favorite Literary Bad Boys." #5 on her list is Mr. Flagg. Yep, he's pretty bad!
Tay's List:
- Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
- Eric Northman (True Blood)
- Stanley Kowalski (A Streetcar Named Desire)
- Hamlet
- Randall Flagg (The Stand)
1. Who is your favorite King bad boy (or girl) ?
2. Who is your favorite non-King literary bad boy (or girl) ?
Here's a helpful listing from villains.wikia.com
I think the crew from Needful Things were pretty rotten. Leland Gaunt and Ace Merrill are both evil and their scenes are a lot of fun to read.
I think Ken Follett creates the best bad guys ever. All of them are great! In particular, William Hanley in Pillars of the Earth was bad bad bad.
Annie Wilkes is probably my favorite King villain, though Flagg is also pretty great.