Time.com: King's 10 Longest Novels

King talks to Time.com about his 10 longest novels. the story is prefaced as follows:
"King talked to TIME about his top 10 biggest books, reflecting on the circumstances under which they were written and the critical reception that they received. The list of books and their page counts was supplied by King's office and refers to the American hardcover editions. It does not include books co-written with other authors or any of the seven parts of King's Dark Tower series, which he typically considers one long book, à la The Lord of the Rings.Read more."
The Stand: 1,153 pages
It: 1,138 pages
Under the Dome: 1,072 pages
Insomnia: 787 pages
Desperation: 690 pages
Needful Things: 690 pages
Dreamcatcher: 620 pages
Duma Key: 607 pages
The Tommyknockers: 558 pages
Bag of Bones: 529 pagesRead more:

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