It's The Story -- Not He Who Reads It

Since Eli Roth removed himself from work on Cell, not much news has come out. Until King made a recent appearance and mentioned that he had just finished a script for the movie. Cool! He also mentioned that he had gotten so many complaints about the end of the book that he "I changed everything."
So, uh. . . all the constant readers whining does matter! Does Annie Wilkes really get to decide what will happen to Misery?
May I say, simply, that if it's about the story, not the one who tells it -- it is also not about the one who reads it.
Since Annie does get her say. . . I might lodge the following complaints:
1. The ending of The Mist. That was messed up! Bachmanesque.
2. The end of the Dark Tower VII. Constant readers know what I mean.
3. Where's the sequal for Eyes of the Dragon? Come on, the Talisman doesn't end, but Eyes just slips off the radar.
4. Give us the orginal endings to the shining.
5. The death of Nick.
Now the deal is: Constant reader, constant complainer, reviewer and so on really shouldn't get a say. The story is simply the story.
By the way, it's been a pretty busy week for King fans. Summerized pretty well here:

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