Stephen King Will Mess With Your Kids Head

Under The Dome is late night TV -- probably because it's not always kid friendly.  Honestly, though, other than the sex scene in episode 1, there  wasn't much that felt so out there for my kids.  (MY kids, I'm not saying it's cool for your kids.  Don't let them watch this and then email  me about how it messed your kids up.)

Perhaps all is not as good as I thought. . .

My ten year old watched episode 4, OUTBREAK.  Then when friends were  over today, stretched out on the floor and began saying, "The pink stars are falling" as she twitched about.  She sat up,  put her finger to her mouth and said, "shhhhh."  When we inquired, the girls said they do it at bedtime, too.  The oldest declared that this is creepy behavior.  I agree.  The kid does it so well, I wonder if the pink stars really are falling. Stephen King Will Mess With Your Head


  1. That's hilarious, lame, and cool, all at once. Gotta love kids.

  2. My first response:

    Really? That's all the ideas you kids had?

    That's not scary! This Stephen King interview on clowns is REAL scary when you think it over (if you're not laughing first):

