Collider Gives Us 25 Awesome Things About The New CARRIE


Collider's Adam Chitwood has an interesting article about the Kimberly Pierce adaptation of Carrie. He discusses how blood drips off the human head and promises, "The new Carrie is a wholly separate adaptation of the novel, infused with modern sensibilities to speak to an entirely new generation."

Chitwood gives us 25 things he gleaned from his visit to the set.  Here are my six favorite notes:
  • Kimberly Peirce didn’t want to think of the film as a remake, she saw it as an opportunity to do something different.  She wanted to really develop Chris as a villain.
  • Peirce took a page out of King’s book when it came to the film’s tone, as she wanted to balance the horror with humor.
  • They had to adapt the Margaret White character for modern day, so instead of making her a simple religious fanatic, they made it clear that she’s almost made a religion of her own.
  • The aspiration from the beginning was to make a classic horror movie that has real characters and not just shock scares.
  • Moretz describes the film as a darker, more twisted version that focuses on the mother-daughter relationship.
  • Julianne Moore didn’t want to play Margaret White as simply a bible-thumping mother, she wanted it to be more substantial.  She went back to the book for inspiration in crafting her take on the character.
Check out all 25 at


  1. The note about "Changing the Fate" of the "character" is the one that jumps out at me, also that line about "origins" and "powers of a superhero.

    You don't think they'd go that route, do you? I can't say it sounds like a good idea.


    1. Ever seen the television remake? It strongly considers going in that direction.

      Unless it's handled incredibly well, I'll be quite disappointed if this new movie goes there.

    2. Me too. It was intended to be the pilot for an ongoing series, and the same guy who wrote it (Bryan Fuller) is the writer/producer of "Hannibal." I'd love to know what sort of plans he had for a "Carrie" series.

  2. I've often thought that Carrie would make a good resident of Haven.
