Dark Score Puzzles

Anyone puzzled by Darkscore Stories yet?  Michael Anderson at Wired has an article titled "Dark Score Stories Provides Puzzles for Stephen King Fans." 

Anderson calls the website is "deceptively simplistic."  Having dug quite a bit through this website, I must agree.  It is chalk full of fun stuff!  The photo's make the world of Stephen King more real than most movies based on King's work.

He points out the obvious links, Book titles, hats and so on.  But then there is stuff you have to dig a bit deeper for.  Anderson writes, "Puzzles are integrated into the experience through messages hidden within each photo essay."

So, what cool stuff have you found at the website?


  1. It's a happy day to be able to read an article that is so clearly researched and written. I have very much enjoyed this informational content. Your layout is excellent. I will come back again.

  2. I think the Bag of Bones website is fun.. and once you solve the puzzle you can get Stephen King stickers on get glue!!!

