Seminary Dean Ponders King And Theology

Russell Moore, Dean of theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary posted an article about his experience reading King's book On Writing.
Moore's blog entry, titled "What Stephen King Taught Me About Repentance," discusses King's realization that he was an alchaholic. What grabbed Moore's attention was that King's revelation was brought on by his recycelilng! That is, all the cans piled up showed him something was wrong. Moore writes, "the image of something as mundane as a recycling bin full of cans prompting a life-change prompted me to think about the goodness of God in such things, in my own life."
Interesting. When I read On Writing I was sturck with much the same thoughts. Moore concludes his blog entry with these two paragraphs:
Drunkenness isn't my particular point of weakness, but I sure have lots of others. And this anecdote reminded me of how many times God has used something minor to arrest my attention. It usually isn't a cross in the sky or a vision on the road. But I'll hear someone speak and think, "Oh man, that sounds like me, and I don't want to be like that." Or a conversation will prompt me to think about some stupid parenting maneuver I've been attempting. Or my son will pretend to be "Daddy," and I'll think, "Hey, that's not how I want to be remembered by my boys." Or I'll stop in the middle of my self-pity and whining to see a sunset that will remind me how good God is to let me view it. And so on.
I'd imagine you can think of similar things in your own life, uncanny little moments that turn you around, back toward the goal of Christ. That's discipline, though not what we typically think of when we think of discipline. These moments are moments of gentle kindness. And God's kindness is meant "to lead you to repentance" (Rom. 2:4).

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