The Red Leather Letter

This is interesting!

Peter Hansen wrote to tell me about a letter is rumored to appear in some of the red leather editions of King's books.  Hansen explains:

I'm an avid collector of Stephen King, with a bunch of rare items, a collection growing quite often. However, some items that are not so easy to get hold on, is a one-page letter by King, put in some of the red leather SK Library books. It's titled From the Desk of Stephen King and is from 1998. Do you have that letter in one of your books?

I do have a scan of a four-page letter titled A Note from Stephen King. There is also rumors of a third letter titled Welcome to the Library from about 1990 or so. It could be a mis-title or an early title for one of the above letters; or it's own stand-alone letter.
If anyone has one of these letters, please contact me (  A scan of the letter Hansen has access to is posted below.  It is very readable if you click on the image.


  1. Hello there! I'm a newcomer to your bloggy shores. I remember getting one of those "A Note from Stephen King" letters when I joined the SK Library sometime in the nineties. Though it wasn't a "red leather" edition of anything, just a regular hardcover. I can't recall which book that was, but clearly remember that exact note tucked within. I know I didn't throw it away, but I haven't seen it in years. It's probably mouldering somewhere in the bowels of my archives. Love your site, by the way. I'm an SK fan since The Shining.

  2. Hi Lazlo. Could you dig into your collection to see if you could have one of the above mentioned letters?

  3. Hey there, sorry for the late reply, but real life issues have kept me busy, so I couldn't get back to you on this. I did indeed go through my archives to look for this but, alas, could not locate the Note. It was not where I remember placing it. I don't know what happened to it. Sorry. :(
