Electric King and his "License to steal"

picture: http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=SH&Date=20110503&Category=ARTICLE&ArtNo=110509829&Ref=AR&Profile=2055

What does the author of Christine and From A Buick 8 -- the director of Maximum Overdrive --drive?  Probably a gas guzzler, right?  A Hummer!  . . . nope!  Try: a Chevrolet Volt. 

Well, he wishes!  Truth is, it's his wife's car!  He gave it to her as a birthday gift.  King says he's sorry he gave it to her, because he enjoys driving it so much! 

King was spotted plugging in to a free electric-vehicle charging station.  Michael Pollick at the Herald-Tribune has a great article titled "Master of horror Stephen King likes his Chevy Volt and Sarasota." 

King is flat out energetically joyful about the thing!  Get this quote:
"I just love it because every time you do it, it is like saying to the oil cartel, 'Here, stick this in your eye.  -- It is like a license to steal."
And all good. . . until the earth passes through a coment.


thanks to Bryant Burnette

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