Carrie Unleashes Total Terror At A NY Coffee Shop. . . Really


Only in New York!  And, this beats anything Candid Camera ever tried.

We can add the name Andrea Morales to  the list of actresses who have played Carrie.  This time it was in a New York Coffee shop as a stunt.

Matt McDaniel at yahoo movies says that"took an army of technicians, actors, stunt performers, and one very amenable coffee shop."

McDaniel  quotes Michael Krivicka"
"We filled the entire coffee shop with extras who were instructed to react as if they were witnessing things for the first time. Our 'targets' were selected customers who would walk in and place their order at the counter." As the unsuspecting patrons waited for their orders, a man and a woman began arguing over a spilled coffee loud enough to draw attention. And that's when things went nuts.
And peoples reaction? . . .
 "People screamed, they ran, and some were simply stunned and frozen - trying to process what they just saw," Krivicka said. "In other words, we basically scared the living hell out of people." Thinkmodo then compiled the best reactions into their viral video montage.


  1. Who wants to bet anything that this Halloween season will see girls dressed up like Carrie, covered in corn syrup and everything?!

