1976 Carrie Still Scares

Stephen king's Carrie is on a list of yahoo movies 9 scariest movie endings.
"Carrie" (1976)Carrie White made short work of her prom, a few cars, and a gas station before turning her psychic fury onto her Bible-thumping mama and really bringing the house down. Even though she seemingly met her demise under all the burning rubble, Carrie's still the stuff of nightmares as she ensures that Sue Snell (Amy Irving) will never have sweet dreams for the rest of her life. You can keep your damn flowers, lady
I think the end of the new Carrie did not come anywhere close to the strength of the original.

Also on the list: Blair Witch Project, Candyman, The Descent, The Evil Dead, Friday the 13th (yes!), A Nightmare on Elm Street, Rec, Scream.

1 comment:

  1. I never really thought of Carrie as a horror novel or movie and I never really felt they were scary per se - certainly not in the same sense as It or others. The part of the book I found creepiest was the discussion on what to do with other TK positive girls.

    I'm not sure if there was a way for the remake to do a similar type of ending - anything they did would probably lack the impact of the De Palma ending.

    I think that they were aiming for a less indiscriminate rampage, but to me it made Moretz's Carrie seem a bit more sadistic (poor poor Tina Blake). That was disturbing.
