Movie: Dolores Claiborne

If it weren't for the book, this would be a very good movie. Seriously. Now, I'm not a Stephen King purist. In fact, I think in many cases updates to King's work have served to strengthen his stories. This is particularly true of Tommyknockers mini-series, and King's rewrite of The Gunslinger. If I had not read the novel Dolores Claiborne several times, I would probably like this move very much -- because it tells a compelling story. However, I am left disappointed because this isn't the story Stephen King gave us.
While the movie contains several priceless scenes that come straight from the movie, it is laced with an unnecessary darkness and tension. The movie is not told from Dolores' point of view, but from Selena's.
I think what made this such a strong novel was Dolores' voice. The entire thing was told in flashbacks while she was giving testimony to the police. It was a natural setting for these flashbacks and ran in one continuous dialogue. I thought it was brilliant. In fact, it's one of my favorite King novels. King never broke in to Dolores' rant. She told the whole thing, from beginning to end. It is so well written, it seems as if it isn't a Stephen King novel at all, but was actually pinned by a woman named Dolores Claiborne. But to be certain, what makes the story work is her narrative -- her voice -- her point of view.
Revenge Is Supposed To Be Sweet
Now, let me be blunt: I don't want to deal with the affects of abuse from Selena's end. I don't even want to think about it! The scars, the pain, the emotions -- they are not things I want to reflect on for entertainment. However, switch the story back to the way King had it; from Dolores' point of view. If someone touched my daughter in an inappropriate way -- I think I could do great harm to them. So when Dolores sends her hubby falling down a well, in the novel we are all screaming: "YES! YES! YES!" But in the movie, the moment's hysterical joy at seeing Dolores get her revenge is broken by Selena's sarcasm.
The revenge in Dolores Claiborne is just as sweet, if not sweeter, as it was in Dolan's Cadillac. The premise is brilliant: What if a woman who really committed a murder was accused of the wrong murder? I like it. I think I like the movie, even though it is not as strong as it could be. The element added is unnecessary, and grim. Selena as an adult does not progress the story, she just darkens it.
Kathy Bates is at her best in this movie. She is very much what I imagined when reading the novel.
Stephen Jones has this quote in his book Creepshows from Starburst #206, "The best psychological thriller Alfred Hitchcock never made, Dolores Claiborne is the latest sparkling example of a Stephen King novel being lavished with care and emerging another clear winner ahead of his third rate horror pack." p.97

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