Things I'm Still Looking Forward To
1. Dr. Sleep.
2. Wind Through The Keyhole.
3. Cell miniseries.
4. IT remake.
5. Under The Dome series.
6. Bag of Bones miniseries.
7. Home Delivery movie.
8. You Can't Kill Stephen King, movie (I think I'm looking forward to it.)
9. The Talisman.
10. Insomnia. (I doubt this is still in the works...)
Things I wish were in the works:
1. The Stand Complete and Uncut audio edition.
2. Pet Semetery audio edition.
3. Needful Things mini series.
4. The Mist unabridged audio cd. Not the 3d sound. (The Frank Muller edition would be best)
Scottsman: Review of Full Dark No Stars

SOA Star Talks About What It's Like To Hang With King

Kim Potts at TV Squad has posted an article titled, "'Sons of Anarchy' Star Kim Coates Talks Season 4, Tig Tattoos and Hanging With Stephen King." Here’s the quote about King.
The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates
Twilight Zone:
Many of the stories in Just After Sunset remind me of the feel of the Twilight Zone. This story not only has the tone of the Twilight Zone, it reminds me of a specific episode. The Twilight Zone's "Long Distance Call" is the story of a grandmother who just can't let go. It's actually not very good.
King's story is about a woman whose husband has died in a plane crash. As his funeral is being planned downstairs, his wife gets a call from him! He warns her of some upcoming events. The story ends with a Twilight Zone like twist.
So how does the dead husband describe death? Interestingly, it's grand central station! But don't think the light at the end of the tunnel is a train engine, because there are no trains. There is an escalator that goes somewhere. (I would not push the down button on any elevators, gang!)
And time is slippery. That is, time on his side is not the same as it is on ours. That reminded me of elements in the dark tower.
Just After Sunset is proving to be a true King classic, chalk full of strong stories.
Review, Lilja's Library: The World Of Stephen King
Lilja's Library has been the best Stephen King website out there for years. There's several reasons: He seeks out and gets the best interviews. This includes interviews with King himself. Movie directors, artist, other writers, secretaries all gladly answer Lilja's questions.
The website is also successful because it is up to date. There's a lot of sites that lag way behind in their news. You can stay up to date by friending him on facebook.
I have enormous respect for his knowledge and genuine humility. Those two don't always go together!
Lilja's Library, published by Cemetery Dance, finally made it to my mailbox this Summer. That's a long journey, when you think about it. From a computer in Sweden to the California desert. . . those words have gone through a lot before they get to me.
This is a big book. Not over sized, just full of content. I enjoyed all of it!
The problem:
As soon as the book arrived it presented a problem for me; do I read it cover to cover, or by topic? I love books that are just full of information, but don't have to be read in order. So, I happily bopped through this book in the random order that I wanted. I used it as a reference, something to pass time when waiting in the car for my wife and at bed time.
The only problem with not reading it in order is that I soon become confused as to what articles I already read. That's okay, I just read some of them again.
What I like:
1. Lilja's narration is chatty and easy to understand. He isn't trying to impress me, it's more like he's a friend telling me about his most recent read.
2. Pure energy! The book is written with real passion for the subject. You never sense that he gets weary of all the writing. I think one helpful thing is that the book is a collection of essay's and reviews from his website. So it wasn't done in one long sitting.
3. The interviews. This surprised me, but I really enjoyed the interviews. All of them were great. I don't usually get real excited about interviews, but Lilja asks some great questions. His down to earth tone puts people at ease. He asks stuff the constant reader wants to know.
4. Reviews. Lilja doesn't pretend to like everything Stephen King has written; but he's not petty. He doesn't pick on stories or spend his reviews complaining. In fact, he often finds positive things in stories or books that just didn't sit well with me. His reviews sometimes show me hidden gems I missed. I like his positive attitude toward King and the S.K. universe.
It did become something of a joke for my wife (who would read me the book as I drove places.) I would name a S.K. book or movie I really didn't like. "Hey, let's see if Lilja liked it!" Most of the time, he did like it, and had found something to like that we'd missed.
There are some things in the Stephen King universe I would have passed up, but reading Lilja's Library has caused me to check it out. For instance, the black and white version of The Mist. I would have completely ignored this DVD if Lilja hadn't so adamantly recommended it. (He really likes the movie version of The Mist.)
5. The reviews cover a large range of things. Lilja doesn't just review the books and short stories, he reviews the books in a lot of different mediums. For instance, he covers: Audio editions, movies, scripts, television episodes and more. In fact, he even gave a review of a replica of Christine.It represents what it was when it was written.
Sometimes he has reviews on things I didn't know existed. Like BBC radio shows.
6. Lilja does a good job making a distinction between audio and hard copies of the books. I would ahve never caught the differences, but he is able to explain how different media bring changes to the story.
Sometimes you have to remember that articles were written first for Internet. Lilja will refer to a picture (not present in the book) or some other feature that was on the website. I really like this, since it shows that they didn't try and change everything for the book.
If you are a Constant Reader, you'll like this book a lot.
Buy it here: $40,
My interview:
What I Learned Today
So here's what I learned:
Pet Semetery 2: Don't bury your moms boyfriend in a pet semetery.
Return of the Jedi: Don't install a bottomless pit in your throne room.
These are important life lessons. You're welcome.
The Secretary Of Dreams 2 Initial Impressions

- The book is big. It is also very durable. Nicely bound, heavy pages, but not too big to read. It's not just a coffee table book.
- Almost every page has drawings. Lots of them. The book is heavily illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne.
- The book contains the full text of the King stories. They are not chopped down comic versions.
Dollar Baby: Boogeyman

Pictures: CD FUll Dark No Stars
Cemetery Dance Special Edition: Full Dark No Stars
Cemetery Dance says they brought together a team of five artists to create nearly twenty exclusive illustrations for our edition including black and white pieces and glossy color tip-ins:
Full-color front and back cover artwork by Tomislav TikulinColor and B&W artwork for "1922" by Glenn ChadbourneColor and B&W artwork for "Big Driver" by Jill BaumanColor and B&W artwork for "Fair Extension" by Alan M. ClarkColor and B&W artwork for "A Good Marriage" by Vincent Chong.
This fine collectible volume will be published in three editions printed in two colors on a high-quality paper, and the oversized and slipcased Collector's Gift Edition will be issued with the smallest print run of any Stephen King Gift Edition since we published From a Buick 8 in 2002. As many collectors know, that was one of the rare Stephen King Gift Editions to sell out before publication and to go up in value significantly over the years.
Secretly rolling at the printer since September and on schedule to ship at the end of the year, the Cemetery Dance Deluxe Special Edition of Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King will be the perfect addition to any collection!
Price tag:
Gift edition, $75. order her:
By the way, this might sound expensive, but it is the same price Scribner charged us for the "limited" edition that was really no different from the first edition! Cemetery Dance is actually offering something of real value here. And no, they don't give me a thing to tell you that! But if you collect King, this is probably worth your money. There are 1,750 copies being printed.
Limited edition, $350. Traycased & Signed Limited Edition Hardcover. There are 750 copies being printed.
There is a waiting list for a lettered edition.
Halloween: The prefect time to fix your spider gate

Bangor Daily News has an interesting update on Stephen King's gate. If you remember, a woman crashed into King's unique gate on September 26 of this year. The article focuses on Leamen Allen who works at Allenfarm Fence Company in Hermon. He has experience working on King's property, and several years ago worked on the crew that reinforcedthe fence around King's personal library. (I wish I had a library big enough to build a fence around!)
Aislinn Sarnacki gives some details on the fence: The 270-foot long, wrought iron fence surrounds the high profile-home that King purchased with his wife, Tabitha, in 1979. Crafted by Terry Steel of Steel Forge in Bridgton in 1982, the fence and gates are embellished with iron flying animals resembling bats or gargoyles and a spider web motif. King and Steel collaborated on the design. Five 8 x 10 photos of the fence pre-demolition were taped to the workroom wall for Leamen to re-fer to as he straightened, welded, cut and replaced parts of the gate."
Sarnacki describes the damage to the gate: The gate’s focal point is a giant, spindly spider. During the crash, the legs on its right side were yanked from its body.
Leaman says that when the gate came in, it looked like a "dead spider laying on the floor." An appropriate analogy, since Leman is a Constant Reader since eigth grade. But get this quote, the article quotes Leman as saying he has read so much King that he had to tell himself to "branch out." What's he talking about? There are other authors out there?
Sarnacki gives us one last quote from Lemamen that's great! “One thing I’d like to learn about the fence is where Stephen’s inspiration came from for the design. If I was ever to chat with him, as much as I’m interested in his writing and everything, I’d rather talk about his fence.”
The full article is here, and is fantastic. Also there are several pictures of the gate that are quite interesting.
S.K. Presents The Seventies

Chart Of The Zombies
King Funds Classic rock Lessons!

Hilton Weeps For Meyer
Hilton titled his blog post, "Stephenie Meyer Was Snubbed!" Hilton called the poll "unfair" and claimed that they only asked people over 18. Gosh, I guess when we want to know what my kids are reading, we'll peak in the children's section at Barnes and Noble. It may be that King remains popular because he actually bothers to give us scary vampires; as opposed to -- whatever that was Meyer was trying to do.
Here's the real question: Why is Hilton so hostile to King? has he read Stephen King? Or, perhaps even just as important, has he acutally read Stephenie Meyer? Just reading the two explains everything! Meyer doesn't belong on a list with J.R.R. Tolkein; King does!
S.K. Still America's Favorite

Stephen King Tattoos
It started, "From "Ecclesiastes" to "House of Leaves," from Dante to Stephen King, "The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide" is a celebration of and tribute to the vibrant and vital Babel that is literary culture today."
Now there are a lot of reasons that would catch my attention! First, my love for Bible (Ecclesiastes). Second my interest in Stephen King. And hey, who can pass up the line "The Word Made Flesh." Which is a theological idea relating to the incarnation -- when God became flesh and. (Try John 1:14). I have a pastor friend who has Bible tattoo's all over him. They're pretty awesome. But for some reason, I never thought about a Stephen King tattoo. (Or, for that matter, an E.E. Cumming's tattoo!)
I went through Huffington's entire slide show, and I didn't spot the Stephen King tats. Go figure. So I did some hunting on my own and found some pretty cool stuff. My favorite is the first one -- Carrie on some dude's arm! Now that is beyond freaky.

Yep, it's Pennywise!
The Dark Tower.

Christine! I like this one, too. The color is awesome!
Spooked By Disney: Poll Results

Sleeping Beauty, 3
Pinocchio, 4
Steam Boat Willy, 0
Fantasia, 5
The Lion King, 2
101 Dalmatians, 1
The Fox and the Hound, 0
Finding Nemo, 1
Little Mermaid, 1
Darby O'Gill & The Little People, 3
Disney does not scare me, 2
Disneland prices scare me, 8 (ha-ha!)
The Shawshank Redemption

The Whistle
As noted in a previous blog, Shawshank bears similarities to Escape From Alcatraz. King, via the narrator Red, mentions that in the movies a whistle always goes off when there is an escape. Well, I was watching "I am a fugitive from a chain gang" (1932) in which there are two prison breaks. The first time they are in a field, so there is no whistle to go off. Instead the score itself blares with trumpets -- making almost the exact sound! The escape in that scene is brilliant. Later int he movie there is another prison escape, and sure enough, the whistle goes off. (By the way, Shawshank has a much better ending)
The first person narrative also tends to talk over the story, instead of building it scene by scene, the way King usually does. I actually like this kind of writing, since it is more direct. King is good at making decades slip by in this book, without feeling like they've just been skimmed by. He doesn't belabor the time elements, but as time passes the reader feels it go by. The reader ages with the characters.
Halloween: The Stanley Hotel

Signing for Full Dark No Stars

King book among most sought after

Scariest Inanimate Movie Object No. 4

Haven Renewed And Ratings
I found this interesting: "Since debuting this summer on Syfy, Haven has scored a 1.9 Household rating and 2.6 million total viewers, including over 1.2 million Adults 25-54 and 989,000 Adults 18-49. These numbers are double the timeslot average from 3Q09 (+100% in HH rating, +111% in P2+). In addition, Haven held 82% of the viewers from its Eurekalead-in. (Note: all ratings data reflects final averaged Live + 7 DVR data for episodes that aired through 9/19/2010.) In Canada, Haven ranks as one of the top five series for Showcase in Adults 25-54."
AMC: Fear Fest

Vamps That Don't Scare

A Dude Named CARRIE!

What Scares SK? Disney.

Jodi Jill at examiner tells us that Stephen King was on the "The Vampire Revival" panel at the new York Festival. Of course, the subject had to come up; what scares Stephen King? The answer: Disney!
Hey, before anyone says Disney isn't scary, try riding Mr. Toads Wild Ride at Disneyland. Just to fill you in, you get hit by a train and go to hell. HELL! I mean, hot, blazing, fire and brimstone HELL! I was so stunned, I jumped in line and road it twice again. So, I'm with you, Mr. King -- Disney is scary!
Exactly what about Disney is scary to Stephen King? Jill fills us in, explaining that King's "youngest memory of being terrified was the forest fire scene in “Bambi. Not just a fire either he was also petrified of the man who shot the deer. While everyone might of thought he was joking, he definitely wasn't."
TCM The Boogens

TCM, October 23, 2010 @2:30 a.m. (eastern time.)
Another Review Of THE MIST

The katet of 19

- Of course, King began writing The Gunsliner when he was 19.
- In Wolves of the Calla, 19 is the "mystery number."
- Robin Furth notes in the DT Concodance that they gather firewood in bundles of 19.
- King was hit by a mini-van June 19, 1999.
- Names that add up to 19, "Donald Frank Callahan" "Richard Patrcik Sayre" "Claudia Y Inez Bachman" "Susannah, Odetta, Detta" "Roland the gunslinger"
- Jakes locker number is 883. (adds up to 19)
- Bev Vincent, in his Cemetery Dance column News From The Dead Zone, mentions a connection between the number 19 and Cannibals. "For the 19 fanatics out there, it's worth noting that the problems at the apartment start on July 19."
- The robot Andy is guarded by directive 19. (Does Andy remind anyone of C-3PO?)
- 1999 is considered the "keystone year."
- When Roland is in Jack Mort's head: Code 19
- The lot with the rose is on 298. (adds up to 19)
- In the Shining there are 19 steps between the lobby and the second floor.
- The shining, the dangerous room was 217. (2+17 = 19)
- In Wizard and Glass, there are 19 working gas pumps in Citgo.
- In Dream Catcher, Duddits lives at 19 Maple Ln.
Below is the most complete list I could find. Some of the entries are either redundant, or nuts! But it's a cool list.