Talking about Ghost Brothers, Stephen King recently said:
"I've taken calls from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who wanted me to write 'the scariest devil-worship movie ever made,'" Stephen King says with a chuckle. "And there was a call from David Bowie, who wanted about the same thing. What I'm trying to say is, a lot of times, very talented artists have very bad ideas."

So, if Arnold had it his way, Stephen King and he would team on a scary devil worship movie.  See, the problem here is where the ideas are coming from.  By the way, as a Californian where Arnie was our Governator, I can say that particular very talented artist had more than one very bad idea!  What works best is when King is given  the freedom to develop good ideas and actors who fit the role dive into the part.

I think some of the King movies that have failed did  so because of either poor choices in casting or too many changes to the King storyline.  Of course, Arnold starred in The Running Man.  Was it good?  No.  But then, it didn't stay within a hundred  miles of the original story.

Makes me wonder what King work Arnold would fit well in.  What wouldn't work is for directors to try and convince us that Arnold is an author.  Perhaps that was the problem with Bag of Bones, it was hard to see Pierce Borsnan as an author -- he's better as, well -- James Bond!  Richard Thomas was convincing as an author in the mini-series IT.

So  what role would Arnold be convincing in?  Here's my pick, but tell me yours. . .
Wilfred James, 1922


  1. A remake of THINNER. He could do like Tom Hanks did for CAST AWAY and get really crazy skinny.

  2. I don't think I really can see Arnold in any role in any King movie; not even a remake of Maximum Overdrive, even if a film that sound like familiar Arnold territory.

    As Wil James, I could see someone like Christopher Loyd, Jeffrey Demunn or James Cromwell in the role, but ARNOLD?!!!


  3. He'd've made for a pretty decent John Rainbird. He's no more inappropriate than George C. Scott.

    My mind is now insisting on casting Arnie in all manner of inappropriate King-movie roles. He could play both Annie and Paul in "Misery," for example. You tell me you WOULDN'T watch that movie...

  4. By the way, I assume that Schwarzenegger must have approached King about potentially scripting "End of Days" The time would sync up with what he's saying in this quote.

    What a lousy movie that ended up being...

  5. George C Scott was TERRIBLE in that role. and Arnie would be, too.

    1. I disagree with both of those things. Scott was miscast, but the performance itself is just fine; and Arnold's physicality would at least have made for an interesting spin on the role. It would have felt like Charlie was really in danger of having her neck snapped at any second.
