Hey, check  out for a fun Tommyknockers Quiz.

The Tommyknockers, published in 1987, saw Stephen King diversify into science fiction, away from his usual horror style; of course, this being King, it still contains more than its fair share of sinister events. 
A story of stumbling upon a long-buried alien spacecraft, which begins to gradually transform people into alien beings, it soon becomes clear to one man - immune from the effects - that something needs to be done to save the town, and the world outside.
See how much you remember from the book by taking our quiz.
(I saw this first at Fans of Stephen King)

After you take the quiz post your score here.  No fibbing, or the Library police will come.


  1. Got 16 out of 20 - I'm disappointed with myself.

  2. 9 of 20 LOL
    I only read Tommynocker once (in year 2000 more or less) and I hated it. I don´t know if i will read it again in my life..
