Presidents Day: King's Fictional President Tops List

Frank E. Lee at X102.3 has compiled a list of 5 Fictional Presidents. Number one on his listw as President Stillson from the Dead Zone, played by Martin Sheen.
Lee writes: "One of our future leaders who, (spoiler alert!) never makes it past the primaries in this film adaptation of the Stephen King novel. We do get a glimpse of what his administration would have accomplished."
I also liked his inclusion of Tom Beck from Deep Impact (Morgan Freeman). I watched that movie the other night, and still like it a lot. Freeman's portrayal of the president was awesome!
Of course, it makes me wonder about a few ommissions in Lee's post. What about...
Harrison Ford, Air Force 1. So the plot is pretty hokey, but it's a lot of fun to see Mr. President take terrorist on in hand to hand combat.
Michael Douglas, American President. This movie gave a really good "inside the white house" feeling. It let the viewer in on the every day inner workings of the executive branch. The love story is pretty lame -- but the surroundings feel real.
Jack Ryan, Tom Clancy novels. I stopped reading Tom Clancy when he began spending a hundred pages to tell me how to build a necular bomb. George Lucas once said it gets annoying when a story teller wants to explain how everything works. Clancy sank into that pit, I think. However. . . Jack Ryan has always been a really cool character.

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