LINK: Review of MISERY

Here is Rebecca Mikulin's review of Misery. I liked it (the review and the movie).
She cuts to the heart of King's work, saying: "In traditional Stephen King style, this film takes an unassuming situation that most people would consider one of the safest places in the world, and turns it into an experience from the darkness of nightmares. Of all writers, King is one of the few that has succeeded in scaring me at all...and of all horror films, those adapted from King's stories are some of the only ones worthy of the name in my book. As with movies like The Shining and Cujo, the "scare factor" does not depend upon blood, gore, and cheap thrills, but rather on convincing audiences that absolutely anything can turn against you, whether it be a father and husband, a beloved family pet, or a kind benefactor."

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