What in the world is going on in Chester's Mill? The clues go on and on. In fact, there are so many clues -- beyond just Pink Stars -- that the math gets a little complicated. Is there a deep answer the writers are hinting at, or are they creating so many plot trap doors and escape hatches that it's just hard to keep up?
TV guide this week has a pretty good article on Under The Dome. And quite a few spoilers. Of course, these are spilled spoilers, meaning that this is the stuff the producers want us to know. But hey, if you can't read the end of a mystery novel, it can also be fun to snoop through the writers notes; even if they know you're looking.
The Under The Dome crew has also been letting word out that someone will escape the Dome. (Not Maggie Simpson.) Also, it seems that time itself my be affected by the Dome, sans Melanie who appears a teenager but might actually be much older.
This season also promises to give us more glimpses outside the Dome, which up until now have been just about nonexistent.
Hey, America, don't fall in love with anyone Under The Dome -- NO ONE IS SAFE.
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