Favorite Villain:
5 (16%) Pennywise
13 (41%) Randall Flagg
2 (6%) Jack Torrance / Overlook
0 (0%) Leland Gaunt
4 (12%) The Crimson King
2 (6%) Big Jim Rennie
0 (0%) Christine
0 (0%) Tak
2 (6%) Atropos
3 (9%) Annie Wilkes
total votes as of December 6, 2009: 31
So Randall Flagg is ya'all's favorite villian, eh! Me too. I mean, the walkin' dude crucified people in vegas! And he just keeps popping up. He is, I think, supposed to be the embodiment of the devil himself -- evil personified. Scary because he won't go away. Even if he gets nuked, he'll reappear! And, he can slip into your dreams. Not nice! I love the scene in the Stand where he rips his face off. All had been going so well for him, until he lost control of the Trashcan Man!
You can continue to vote at the bottom of the page. Multiple voters will be sent on a joy ride with Christine. Which, based on the poll, shouldn't be a prblem. But Randall Flagg will be driving. Poll resutls are unscientific but absolutely right. So there.

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