There was a fun contest at bookrabbit.com. For a copy of Under The Dome british edition, they asked that you describe "your scariest Stephen King book, character, scene from one of his films… whatever has spooked you the most… try and make our fur stand on end!"
.The winners were Shawn A. Meriano and Neil. So, uh. . . that means I lost, right? No! It means I didn't win.
Here's the link, you should check over there often as they seem to have a lot of contest -- New Moon / Twilight stuff, too.
Here was my answer to the scaiest Stephen King book:
I would like to say: The Shining scared me. Or Salem’s Lot. Or even Needful Things. All certainly are creepy. . . but there is a book that truly scares me.
Under the Dome is freaking me out.
Here’s why: Under the Dome has left me almost unable to drive. And I’m the only driver in my family. I’ve been reading this book in little spurts as I drive, and in my minds eye, there is becoming a certain surity that there is an invisible barrier I am about to hit.
I’m a speed demon usually — but these days I am driving slower and slower. Hey, I don’t want to hit the barrier too hard.
The problem is complex:
1. I haven’t finished the book. So I don’t now what caused the dome. And so I can’t say, “Ah! That won’t happen to us!” Because I don’t now!
2. I live in a small town. I don’t drive far. So when I leave the town, I feel that a certain WHACK will come any moment.
3. In my mind, I have seen the Dome do some bad stuff. A news helocopter got smashed; a plane when smack-o like a bug on a windshield; and worst of all, cars! Not just one or two. No, we are given a front row seat to car accident after car accident.
I might never meet a Vampire, Cannibal (I hope) or enter a haunted house. But I drive every day. And the Dome is becoming a scary reality.
I need to check my insurance policy for Dome Insurance.
Hi David, thanks so much for mentioning (and entering!) our competition. You're right - we do have quite a few competitions on the site, but also lots of great users who love to chat about all kinds of books (including Stephen King!) hope we see you on the site again soon. Just to let you know we've just interviewed an American author called C. J. Box who has made his UK debut with his thriller, Three Weeks to Say Goodbye. You can listen to the exclusive audio interview on our blog and we're also giving away two copies of the book - just leave a comment for a chance to win. Here's the link: http://www.bookrabbit.com/blog - the competition runs until next Tuesday 15th December at noon. Thanks again for the mention, best wishes. Sarah and the BookRabbit Team.