Have you started your Christmas list yet? Well, if not, shortlist has posted great news -- you could own Christine.
There were actually 23 "Christine's" (1958 Plymouth Furys) used in John Carpenter's film. However -- shortlist notes that only two are known to still be in existence, and one of them is up for sale as part of an Arizona auction from the estate of Ron Pratte.
Pratte is believed to have a personal fortune of $350m (£218m) - it's not known why he's decided to sell off his collection - widely regarded as one of the biggest and most impressive private car collections in the United States, but everything must go at the annual Barrett-Jackson auction, which will take place in Scottsdale, Arizona early next year.
The entire collection is estimated to be worth $50m (£31m); as yet there's no guide price on 'Christine' but we'll get saving anyway.what would you pay for Christine?
Many of the cars that were damaged and destroyed were Plymouth Belvaderes which were much more common and not as attractive.