Cooper Talks About The Stand Movie

What's going on with The Stand?  Well, it turns out director Scott Cooper is very excited about the project.  In a recent interview, Cooper revealed a few pretty exciting things:

  • He says there's a "reason" the film hasn't already been done.  It's big and daunting! 
  • He prefers to shoot on location, since that affects how the actors perform.  So -- location would be -- most of America!
  • Cooper expects to be teaming with Christian Bale on the project.


  1. Can't be done as a single film. Not possible.

    1. well, if the film is 11 hours, it can be done. Jeez, no confidence at all.

    2. None. Especially since Cooper -- amusingly -- now seems to have exited the project!

      The answer here is clearly for the thing to be an HBO series, running three seasons. This solves ALL the problems.

      By the way: Warner Bros., you are welcome for my having solved your problem. You are welcome to thank me by hiring me to work on it!


      Ah, if only...

  2. Has no one in Hollywood asked themselves about the potential for an HBO/AMC tv series out of this?

    It's not like the big screen is still the reigning champion or anything.


    "Cooper expects to be teaming with Christian Bale on the project."

    ....As Stu or Flagg? Bear in mind, this is the guy who made name for himself playing the "American Psycho."


  3. Seriously, after Under The Dome -- you all want television to take on The Stand?

    1. Actually, I'll admit I didn't really figure Under the Dome into my thinking at any time when I was thinking of how to take the book onto either screen.

      Also, two other ideas that I thought might work came from Bryan's review of House of Cards, so I thought, well, what if they took the series to Netfilx?

      The final idea I had is sort of more out there, and to be fair it was of the Dark Tower series I was thinking of when I thought of an interesting way to adapt a book.

      There's a company called Telltale Games that's sort of an up and comer in the video game world (yes, I was wondering whether Tower could translate into a video game) and based on my viewing of videos of their adaptation of the Walking Dead, I found myself wondering whether or not it might work to translate Roland and the gang into one of TellTales' games.

      Ever since hearing the latest Stand news, I've also begun to wonder if that book also (maybe even the Talisman?) might make a good game.

      I have no idea.

      The Walking Dead video that started this train of thought is here:

      See what you think.


    2. One bad TV show does not a failed medium make. As a novel, "The Stand" is actually quite well-suited to a multi-season adaptation. WAY moreso than "Under the Dome" is, that's for sure.

      The trick is to hire someone with talent to do it, and to then put it on cable so the punches don't have to be pulled.

  4. The older I grow, the more I think it’s better to leave The Stand, It & The Dark Tower out of theaters/television altogether. Nothing they could make would taint my opinions of those three books, but they seem doomed to fail on-screen from the get-go. Come to think of it, you could probably include 11/22/63 in this, as I believe Demme left the project awhile back? I’m thoroughly convinced there are few people in Hollywood who could/would not screw these up entirely. I love Ron Howard … but the more I think about it, him “tinkering” with DT turns my stomach sour. And I know “It” is being developed as I type this, but it doesn’t get me too excited.

    I really think Darabont is the only one with enough SK knowledge inside him to even make a passing attempt at any of them. Given his recent move into television, and if Mob City is successful, perhaps he could pen/direct a miniseries for one of the willing-and-able non-network tv stations or Netflix as ChrisC mentioned.

    Also, Darabont’s Wiki page says he holds the rights to The Long Walk. I don’t know how accurate that is, but I find the possibility of THAT way more intriguing than any potential projects listed above.

  5. I think 11/22/63 would be awesome, but is far too big a story to actually bring to screen. It is a masterful work.
