Quint: How The Dark Tower Ought To Be!

I really enjoyed Aintitcool's legendary Eric Vespe's (aka, Quint) editorial on how the Dark Tower ought to be done.  First, Quint always has good stuff to share, and second, I agree with the dude.

So what wonderful ideas does Quint have for the Dark Tower?  I'll bullet point Quint's bright ideas and then you can go read it all in his own piffy words at the link below.
  • Frank Darabont should be the showrunner for an HBO Dark Tower series
Wait. . . that's only one bullet.  The rest of the article is really spent explaining why this is a good idea.  Bottom line, HBO can do big stuff and Frank Darabont has proven he is one of the few people who can do good stuff with Stephen King material.  I added the "few" -- but it's true.  Only a handful of directors have made the magic connection between a King novel and a King movie.

Anyway, Quint, I think you're right on!  Now convince HBO, Frank Darabont, Ron Howard and Stephen King.


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