Stephen King: Tots and Terror

Here is an interesting ebay item, a 1981 TV guide with an article by Stephen King on tots and terror.  To tell you the truth, this is the stuff that really makes collecting fun.  Yeah, it's nice to get a first edition of the latest book -- but old weird stuff is even better.

As a collector, I'm not excited about things made for collecting.  Yes, the new covers for Carrie, The Shining and other early books look great.  And their limited editions.  But limited edition just says to me, "We know you're a sucker."  I'd rather goon the hunt than write a big check.

A magazine is fun because it holds the era in its pages.  So not only is there the article by King, but it is surrounded by the culture it was crafted in.

I love the art in this. King says Bambie is the scariest movie.

You can still buy it at for $5 plus $5 shipping.  So that ten bucks.

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