Full Dark Journal 1: The Journey Begins

I got an audio copy of Full Dark No Stars yesterday. Of course, I immediately started listening. I also had to stop the tape until my daughter was asleep because. . . it's a Stephen King book.
One frustration
A frustration with the audio book is that the stories are not labeled on the CD's. This means you cannot listen to the novella's in the order that you want. Not a big deal when it's short stories, you just trudge through. But in this case, you have to listen to entire Novella's! A little frustrating.
The book starts with a story titled 1922. It is grim. Delightfully grim! The story is wonderful, dark and well told.
So far a likable character has not appeared. The narrator, Wilfred James, has a wonderful way of explaining his actions as that of almost a different person. "I believe there is another man inside every man, a stranger . . ." Of course, the good man is himself... but the bad man who does the naughty things, that man is another man living inside him. I realize that sounds really lame when I write it, but King plays this well enough that it would have pleased Robert L. Stevenson.
The stories are all stories of revenge... I think. Told in the first person, at least 1922 -- it is reminiscent of Poe. Thus far, I can say confidently that this stuff is raw horror. Honestly, it's the reason most of us read King.


  1. Rad. Bought the book yesterday and haven't been able to crack it open and get started. Can't wait!


  2. The book is amazing, and I agree with your analysis of King's stories. It's obvious that you're a veteran of his works, as am I, and its nice to read a similar perspective when critiquing his works.
