High Resolution Cover Full Dark No Stars

This is the high resolution cover for Full Dark, No Stars from stephenking.com

Several things I really like about this cover:
1. It's very simple. Similiar to the other books of four, Different Season's, Four Past Midnight, now Full Dark, No Stars.
2. The cover art is mysterious.
3. I like the ladies handing reaching down beyond the borders of the picture.
4. It looks like a classic book -- not a traditional "Stephen King."
5. King's name doesn't suck up every inch of the page. Same with the title. (ie: Insomnia, Tommyknockers and so on)


  1. I can't get enough of it. The pose of the figure is so bizarre, I can't tell if it's being viewed from the side or above. Having that image in mind makes the title seem much more ominous.

    Funny thing, when I first saw it, I wasn't quite sure if they was a man or a woman. How did everyone else tell?

  2. Oh, I guess you can't tell if it's a man or a woman. But it's a kind of femine pose. Shoulders look like a woman... but you're right, I can't tell either.

  3. her shape is making an upside down 6.

    is stephen king a freemason?
