11.22.63 is quickly becoming one of my favorite Stephen King adaptations. I’m almost scared to like it as much as I do. Last time I really fell in love with a Stephen King series, it was Under The Dome – and that went LOST on us.
The required spoiler alert:
Hey, you, before you read this. . .I talk about stuff on my blog. Gasp. So if you haven't seen 11.22.63, you should go watch it before you listen in on me talking about it, because it might "spoil" it for you. I'm telling you this because some of you are rediculously sensitive about not having the storyline given away. Hey, I have an idea: Don't read posts about stories you haven't read yet. Glad I could help. On with the discussion. .
A few quick observations:
The Trade:
The movie and the book trade slaps. Track with me. . .
In the book, I was blown away when Jake first sees the “colored” bathroom sign. You can read about that experience HERE. But that scene did not have the same impact on me when it happened on screen. In fact, that scene just kind of flowed by.
However, I still got slapped in the face by the television show. It’s when the boys pin Harry down and spit on him. Something in me bristled; got angry. (And anger is what I felt when I first read that scene where Jake encounters colored restrooms.)
Welcome to the 60's:
The Café Harry goes to is incredible. I mean, it’s so authentic. Once again, I feel like I’m there. The counter, the wall paper, the comic book stand; it feels right. And, Jake sticks out – it’s obvious he doesn’t belong to this world. It speaks volumes that they could recreate the world of 1960, because that world is gone. Everyone in these scenes, they’re not really from 1960 – they’re from 2016. (Well, 15) But all of them drop into character so well, that even as Jake tries to look the part, he still doesn’t fit in. The very fact that Jake sticks out builds our confidence that we really have been taken back to 1960.
Over Religious:
The lady interviewing Jake for a room is way over the top! Maybe people were really like that back then – but she’s what Solomon was talking about when he said “do not be overrighteous.” (Eccl 7:16) Bet-ja didn’t know that was in the Bible! There seems to be one of these in every Stephen King book.
Does anyone like that picture of Jesus she has on her wall? Apparently it was paramount to his mugshot for many years.
Jake show quick thinking when asked what unit he served with in Korea. MASH, 4077. BRILLIANT! I really like the old guys comment, “There’s no such thing as a war hero.” It’s the kind of thing only a war hero can say. “The last thing you can say about killing a man is that it’s brave.” I like that line, not because our troops aren’t brave, but because it so perfectly describes how so many of them feel coming home from war. Conflicted. They were sent to do a job, and they did it. And they want to be recognized and honored by their nation for serving and doing a difficult thing.
Up Close And Personal:
I think the scenes with Frank – in fact the entire storyline with Harry – is far superior to the book. There is a new layer of detail here that wasn’t in the book. We get a lot more up close and personal with Frank. There’s much greater tension. And, Jake’‘s a lot dumber! – and that’s good It feels more real because Jake is making bonehead mistakes any of us would make.