WILLA prepares for screen treatment
This is really cool! Did you read Willa? It was a short (well, not that short) story in Just After Sunset. It was one of those stories that has a "OH!" moment. You know, like Matrix, when you realize the world is really a computer simulation. There's a moment in Willa when everything changes. It's a sweet story. Now, want to see Willa? Sure you do! Well, King fans are in luck.
Christopher Birk is directing his first movie. . . and it's a Stephen King story. Exciting to see fresh talent, and we are always anxious to see those wonderful stories brought to life. The project is well along the way, but still looking for investors.
The website explains that Birk was inspired to do this movie by a friend who had also directed a Stephen King short story. It was a short film but Christopher decided to make 'Willa' a feature film.
The story: David goes to find his fiancee, Willa. She has left him at a train station with a group of stranded passengers. He finds her at a local honky-tonk of a club and in his attempt to bring her back he learns the horrifying truth about why they cannot stay at the station.
Website: http://alphatreeproductions.com/Willamainmenu.html
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Willa/183950598304298#!/pages/Willa/183950598304298#!/photo.php?fbid=200551773316745&set=a.132563160115607.11248.111008912271032&type=1&theater
Stephen King At 14
This is a really neat! David Booker, a contributor to The Centered Librarian has posted a submission letter from 14 year old Stephen King.
Booker explains that the letter "arrived at the offices of Spacemen Magazine in 1961 and was accompanied by a copy of The Killer, Stephen's latest short story. It was rejected, but the editor did see fit to run it 33 years later." http://centeredlibrarian.blogspot.com/2011/04/stephen-king-at-14.html
The letter reads:
"Dear Editor,
I am 14 years of age, and have been writing as far back as I can remember, and submitting manuscripts for the last couple of years. I subscribe to your magazine, and my favorite feature is the Obituary department, although “O. Henry’s Comet,” for which this story is intended, runs a close second.
Thanks very much for reading my story. I hope you see your way clear to put it in “O. Henry’s Comet.”
Stephen King
Australian Play: King Of Bangor
Fangoria reports that Lee Gambin, an Australian playwright (and contributor to Fangoria), is about to "unleash a fascinating new one-act play called KING OF BANGOR." Gambin is also a contributor to Fangoria. This current copy (#303) includes an interview Gambin did with Shelley Duvall.
King Of Bangor is directed by Dione Joseph. Gambin calls the play “a spine-chilling glimpse into the world of one the horror genre’s most prolific writers—as well as one of the most reclusive. It’s a venture into the world of Stephen King.”
Here’s the synopsis from the press release: “In oppressive darkness, successful novelist Stephen King sits on his throne mapping out a new story of the macabre. But there is a problem; he’s stuck. Writer’s block has set in. But soon familiar voices offer advice and King begins to type: the flow comes and goes just as distractions and inspirations surface—then disappear then reappear. Real life begins to merge with his creative stream of consciousness and his creations start to mirror and comment on his own existence in a terrifying downward spiral."
It will take place at: Bella Union, Trades Hall in Melbourne on June 29 and 30 and July 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9, with showtimes at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $30
Bardem To Play Roland -- Finally
I'm reposting this with an updated link. Cool news! The picture is from Perez Hilton's site.
This is seriously a "no surprise" type of news day for King fans. Guess what. . . Javier Bardem has been signed to star in the movie and TV adaptations of Stephen King's "Dark Tower" book series! Look surprised everyone. Good.
Here's how andhranews.net shared the story: .
Bardem will play Roland Deschain in the eagerly awaited Ron Howard and Brian Grazer adaptation of King's beloved seven-novel saga.It's a momentous deal because each of the three movies in the series is to be followed by a TV miniseries.
"Bardem has signed on to the first movie and the miniseries, but the intention is that he will star in all three movies and each of the TV series. It's an enormous deal for any actor, but Bardem was always the first choice," the New York Post quoted a well-placed source as saying. The first movie is due for production in September with Howard directing..
Read more: http://www.andhranews.net/Entertainment/2011/Javier-Bardem-star-movie-TV-adaptations-2945.htm#ixzz1KeJKDyYb
Vampire Wiriting Bites
I enjoyed Heather Brewer's energetic article about the "allure of writing about vampires." Brewer is the author of The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd. And she likes it all! Stoker, Salem's Lot, and a couple of others that I won't mention here.
Of course, I did like Anne Rice's vampires. King has recently returned to the Vampire genre with American Vampire.
Of course, I did like Anne Rice's vampires. King has recently returned to the Vampire genre with American Vampire.
S.K. Easter egg art by John Lamouranne
"These limited edition figures can be found on John Lamouranne's website, above is the eggy version of novelist Stephen King."
Magistrale to give S.K speech at University Vermont
The Associated Press has released news that Vermont Professor Tony Magistrale will be giving a speech on Stephen King on May 4th. Magistrale is cited as an expert on Edgar allan Poe, and is also the author of Hollywood's Stephen King. I hope he spends some time demonstarting connections between King and Poe.
May 4
Goodrich Memorial Library
Newport, Vermont
Heintzman to teach Stephen King seminar in Crowsnest
My friend, Tim Heintzman, is doing a two week seminar on Stephen King in Crowsnest Pass, Canada. Tim has certainly been an encouragement to me, and he has a great passion for understanding Stephen King's work. Here's the description:
This is a course for the avid Stephen King fan and enthusiast.
• Have you ever wanted to explore his earliest childhood writing and the beginning of his mega career?
• Ever wondered how and why he created Richard Bachman and has he used other pseudonyms?
• Ever wanted to explore the "S K Universe", his different landscapes and fictional worlds?
• Ever wanted to explore his impact on Popular Culture?
• Ever wanted to explore the many movies, TV series and mini-series based on his works?
• Ever wanted to explore the world of "Stephen King Collecting"?
These questions and many others can be answered here. Tim is an avid reader, studier and collector of Stephen King, one of the world's most popular authors. Considered by many to be a "minor expert" on King and his works, Tim is willing and eager to share his passion and enthusiasm for his work.
Dates: Thursdays, October 6 & 13
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: MOM, 2nd Floor Room 13
Cost: $20.00
Instructor: Tim Heintzman
Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 29
To Register: 403-562-2853
This is a course for the avid Stephen King fan and enthusiast.
• Have you ever wanted to explore his earliest childhood writing and the beginning of his mega career?
• Ever wondered how and why he created Richard Bachman and has he used other pseudonyms?
• Ever wanted to explore the "S K Universe", his different landscapes and fictional worlds?
• Ever wanted to explore his impact on Popular Culture?
• Ever wanted to explore the many movies, TV series and mini-series based on his works?
• Ever wanted to explore the world of "Stephen King Collecting"?
These questions and many others can be answered here. Tim is an avid reader, studier and collector of Stephen King, one of the world's most popular authors. Considered by many to be a "minor expert" on King and his works, Tim is willing and eager to share his passion and enthusiasm for his work.
Dates: Thursdays, October 6 & 13
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: MOM, 2nd Floor Room 13
Cost: $20.00
Instructor: Tim Heintzman
Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 29
To Register: 403-562-2853
The Atlantic: Herman Wouk Is Still Alive
Considering: The Stand Companion
For your consideration. . .
I've been thinking about doing a companion to The Stand. It is by far Constant Readers favorite book. The Stand is usually mentioned in companion books, but I am not aware of a book written with a laser focus on the novel itself.
Here are some quick, early notes on the project. The numbers represent ideas, not chapters. This post will be pulled after a week -- for obvious reasons! I would appreciate comments or thoughts on what should be included.
1. Why the Stand connects. For many reasons, the Stand is the best Stephen King book to start with.
2. Genesis: Where the idea came from.
3. Genre: The Stand's as Apocalyptic litera ture. Comparisons to other modern novels, in particular Swan Song, Alas Babylon.
4. Time Capsule: Reflecting 1978.
5. Spiritual Tones of The Stand.
6. Character sketches.
7. The Stand's place in Stephen King literature. It's connection to the Dark Tower.
8. Autobiographical glimses.
9. Retelling The Story: The Mini-Series. The comic books. Outline of the comic books plot.
10. Revised: Notes on restored scenes. Illustrations. Why the Stand was cut.
11. The audio version of The Stand.
12. Timeline.
13. Birth Pangs: Night Surf and The Stand.
Anyone interested in the project -- email me.
I've been thinking about doing a companion to The Stand. It is by far Constant Readers favorite book. The Stand is usually mentioned in companion books, but I am not aware of a book written with a laser focus on the novel itself.
Here are some quick, early notes on the project. The numbers represent ideas, not chapters. This post will be pulled after a week -- for obvious reasons! I would appreciate comments or thoughts on what should be included.
1. Why the Stand connects. For many reasons, the Stand is the best Stephen King book to start with.
2. Genesis: Where the idea came from.
3. Genre: The Stand's as Apocalyptic litera ture. Comparisons to other modern novels, in particular Swan Song, Alas Babylon.
4. Time Capsule: Reflecting 1978.
5. Spiritual Tones of The Stand.
6. Character sketches.
7. The Stand's place in Stephen King literature. It's connection to the Dark Tower.
8. Autobiographical glimses.
9. Retelling The Story: The Mini-Series. The comic books. Outline of the comic books plot.
10. Revised: Notes on restored scenes. Illustrations. Why the Stand was cut.
11. The audio version of The Stand.
12. Timeline.
13. Birth Pangs: Night Surf and The Stand.
Anyone interested in the project -- email me.
1978 The Stand Journal 8: Autobiographical Touches

The Stand is not only a very spiritual book, at moments it is quite autobiographical. We don't meet King directly, as we did in the Dark Tower, but there is a family mention.
In chapter 40 of The Stand, we are once again taken deep inside the thoughts of Mother Abagail. As she sits on a screened porch, she thinks of a traveling salesman who had come through Hemingford Home in 1936 or ‘37.
"Why, he had been the sweetest talking fellow she had ever met in her life; he could have charmed the birdies right down from the trees." p.400
Why does this traveling salesman matter? Well, because. . .
1. HIS NAME: His name is "Mr. Donald King." Stephen King’s father’s name was Donald King. Is he deliberately making a connection?
2. PARTICULAR EMPHASIS: King is careful to draw the readers attention to the name. "She had never seen him again, but she had never forgotten his name, either." p.400 It's like he's pointing.
3. OCCUPATION: Donald King was a vacuum cleaner salesman. And hey. . . guess what the salesman in the Stand is? Yep – a vacuum cleaner salesman.
In one page King mentioned several times that the salesman was a sweet talker. I am not quite sure the relation, but it makes me wonder if his father was known to be a charmer.
4. RESULT: So what was the end result of Mr. Donald King? Does Stephen King tell us? In a way. He does it through the good prophet -- Mother Abagail: "She just bet he had gone on to break some white lady’s heart." p.400 (639 uncut edition)
Interview: Mark McFarlane, I AM DOORWAY

picture: Mark McFarlane.
I was so excited to hear about a movie version of I AM THE DOORWAY that I had to contact Mark McFarlane and get some more info. Turns out he is a huge Stephen King fan, and gave a great interview. Have fun. . .
TalkStephenKing: Hi. Thank you so much for agreeing to my interview. Constant Readers are always excited to hear about a new Stephen King project. Yours looks really unique! I really do look forward to seeing your work on screen! Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Mark McFarlane: My name is Mark G. McFarlane, I come from a small mining village called New Cumnock in Ayrshire, Scotland, and I've been a filmmaker for the past three or so years. I previously worked as a graphic designer for a fashion retailer (who have since gone bust), before realising that I wasn't doing what I needed to be doing. I quit my job and eventually got my degree from the University of Cumbria. It was at university I formed Toecutter Productions with my producer David C. Box. I also met my fiancee at uni, and thanks to her I'm now I'm in Dorset, making a Stephen King film. I have a good life!
TSK: What is the expected length of the film?
McFarlane: I'm aiming to keep the film under 45mins, anything over that would keep me from showing it at short film festivals. Plus, I can't afford to make a feature. Yet.
TSK: When do you expect to release the film?
McFarlane: At this moment in time I really couldn't guess as to when the film would be released, but I'm hoping at some point in 2011.
TSK: How far are you in the process? Is the script complete?
McFarlane: I'm currently on draft 5 of the script and it's looking good. Once it has been completed my producer and I will discuss it and decide whether it's ready to be sent out to actors. I have several high profile actors in mind for the main parts, but obviously I can't comment on that any further at this time. I'm also in negotiations with the owners of what is quite possibly the most perfect location possible for my adaptation. All in all, the project is in a very good place right now.
TSK: Why did you choose "I AM THE DOORWAY"?
McFarlane: I have to say 'I Am The Doorway' wasn't my first choice! I'd stupidly gone ahead and started work on an adaptation of 'The Jaunt', before bothering to check if it was available. It was only after I ran into some creative difficulties that I got around to checking the website. I was quite relieved when I saw it was unavailable, as at the time it was giving me quite a headache. When I saw that 'I Am The Doorway' was available, the central image - a man with eyes in his hands - immediately leaped into my mind and I knew that this was the project for me. I also got an instant gut feeling of how to tell a version of the story, on a budget that was viable.
TSK: You said in a recent interview that you wanted to give Bridport exposure. What would you like people to know about Bridport?
McFarlane: Since moving to Bridport I've been genuinely taken aback by the creative atmosphere in the town. Musicians, artists, photographers, sculptors, the place is brimming with them. To make things even better, there is a fantastic support structure in place for the arts in Bridport. It is a wonderful, beautiful place to live and be creative, and I'd like others to be able to see Bridport in that way.
TSK: Do you expect the movie to be seen in the States?
McFarlane: I fully expect 'I Am The Doorway' to be seen in America. There are numerous Dollar Baby film festivals, not to mention all the other horror film festivals that will be only to keen to have another Stephen King film.
TSK: What movies have most influenced you as a film-maker?
McFarlane: Considering that my favourite director is David Lynch, his only influence on my film-making style is his use of sound. I think his use of sound and music in films like 'Wild At Heart' and 'Blue Velvet' is absolutely stunning. Visually my biggest influence has to be John Carpenter. I think 'The Thing' is just untouchable when it comes to horror cinema. And if I could make something like 'Escape from New York' in my career, I think I'd die pretty satisfied.
TSK: Are you a Stephen King fan?
McFarlane: I'm a massive Stephen King fan, not just as an author but as a person. Every time I pick up a King book, I feel like he's talking directly to me. And I could listen to the guy talk all day if I could. I'd like to meet him some day...
TSK: Which of King’s books resonate with you?
McFarlane: I tend to have a short attention span and therefore have an annoying tendency to lose interest in novels. One day I found 'Skeleton Crew' in a charity shop, found that it was full of short stories, and bought it for something ridiculous like 50p. The first story I read was 'The Mist' and it remains my favourite King story of all time. I've re-read it every few months since that day. I love the concept of the story, and that every single person in that supermarket feels absolutely real. I was ecstatic when I found out Frank Darabont was making it, and even more so when I saw it an realised it was exactly as I'd imagined it. I've even come to terms with that ending... I also have to say that I was given the Dark Tower series as a gift a few Christmases ago. I'd never really fancied it, but gave it a go to be polite. I read the Gunslinger in a day. The rest followed after that (not quite so quickly given their size). I absolutely love the Dark Tower, and when 'I Am The Doorway' eventually makes it onto the screen, some sharp eyed Tower fans may get a little surprise or two!
TSK: Other than King, what authors have impacted you?
McFarlane: Everyone's going to think this ones too obvious, but I love H.P. Lovecraft. 'At The Mountains of Madness' is an incredible story, as is 'The Dunwich Horror'. I'm also a big fan of Charles Stross, who wrote an amazing Lovecraftian Cthulu story called 'A Colder War'. It's fantastic and really worth checking out.
TSK: Have you seen other Dollar Babies? What did you think?
McFarlane: I'm sad to say I haven't seen any of them yet, but a friend of mine James Cole, who directed 'The Last Rung on the Ladder', is sending me a copy soon...
TSK: Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. This sounds really exciting.
McFarlane: Thank you for the interview, I very much enjoyed answering your questions and I'd be happy to do so again, any time.
IN CLOSING. . . I had a great time communicating with Mark McFarlane. He did point that Frank Darabont got start as a Dollar Baby - he made The Woman in the Room - and is regarded as the first DB. Shawshank came later.

The Dorset Echo has an interesting story about a Bridport film-maker, Mark McFarlane, who will be filming I Am The Doorway. (Bridport is a market town in Dorset, England.)
McFarlane is a King fan who got the rights to the film for that famous $1 (a Dollar Baby). He explains a dollar baby, “[King] came up with this scheme back in the 80s where he gives the rights to some of his stories to students and aspiring film-makers for a dollar. Really promising film-makers have come out of this like Frank Darabont who directed the Shawshank Redemption as a dollar baby."
McFarlane says he has been writing the script and hoping to film at Eype. He has hopes that the film will give Bridport international exposure.
You can find I Am The Doorway in King's collection of short stories, Night Shift. It was first published in the march 1971 issue of Cavlier magazine. It is featured on the cover of Night Shift.
LINK: The Atlantic Interview
Here is a linke to an AWESOME interview with King. In it he discusses how Herman Wouk Is Still Alive came to be. And it's a really neat thing.
Was King's "Retirement" Ever Serious?

Joe Mont at The Street has an article titled "10 Celebrity 'Fake-Out' Retirements." Guess who is number 1 on his list. . . Stephen King.
I often see this "retirement" cited at the beginning of announcements about King. For instance, if King tells us a new book is coming out, an article will often read like this: "Even though he said he was going to retire in 2002, Stephen King is still hard at it -- producing another eight million page novel."
It has become an irksome thing for me, because I'm not really sure King was ever serious about retiring. Maybe for a moment -- but even when he talked about it, he was writing away. Does anyone really think he was going to ride into the sunset? Come on, the guy got hit by a van and was soon after writing Dreamcatcher out by hand.
Here is what Mont said about King:
Back in January 2002, horror fans got quite a scare when best-selling author Stephen King announced he would retire.
But, like one of those scary movie killers who manage to keep popping up after everyone thinks they're gone, King's writing just couldn't be dispatched so easily.
King's retirement plans were an after-effect of the injuries sustained when he was almost killed by a van while walking along a Maine roadway. For many months, debilitating pain made it nearly impossible for him to sit upright long enough to put word to paper.
Despite the pain he still suffers, King has long since abandoned his retirement.
Since the accident he has penned a column for Entertainment Weekly and published six novels and novellas and two collections of short stories. He has also announced two novels on the way over the next 12 months.
Pretty prolific for someone with plans to ride off into the sunset. http://www.thestreet.com/story/11078811/1/10-celebrity-fake-out-retirements.html?cm_ven=RSSFeed&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+tsc%2Ffeeds%2Frss%2Flatest-stories+%28TheStreet.com+Latest+Headlines%29 What people who are not constant reader do not understand about King -- what Hollywood does not understand about King -- is that he has to write. He does not do it for the money or the fame, he writes because not writing is not an option.
In a 2007 interview with Gilbert Cruz (TIME), King explained the retirement thing: When I said to that lady from the L. A. Times I might retire, I was still recovering from the accident that I was in [where King was struck by a car], I was in a lot of pain, and I was under the pressure of finishing The Dark Tower. At that point, retirement looked good. When the pain went away and The Dark Tower finished up, retirement started to look bad. I have a book that's coming out in January called Duma Key, and there's the musical. I'm like Travis McGee, I can take my retirement in chunks. http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1687229,00.html#ixzz1JKMZajYb
News that King might quit was just too much for the Onion to leave be. So in October 2002, they ran with it! Here ya go:

Stephen King pens introduction to LORD OF THE FLIES

Guardian has posted news that Stephen King has written a new introduction to Lord of the Flies. Alison Flood writes that the new introduction is "part of celebrations later this summer to mark 100 years since Golding's birth." She says that when King was approached by publishers, he "jumped" at the chance to write the introduction. In fact, he turned in his work early! It has been described as autobiographical -- which is in line with the way King usually discusses books. They are part of his story.
Lord of the Flies has played a role in King literature before. Flood notes that King's fictional town of Castle Rock is named "after the area that Jack makes his fort in Golding's novel." She also points out that a copy of Lord of the Flies "plays a role in King's novel Hearts in Atlantis."
Even without King's introduction, this is a book you should own and read! http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/apr/11/stephen-king-william-golding-centenary
Dark Tower: What Scenes Do You Look Forward To?
Let me ask a question: What scenes in the Dark Tower novels are you most looking forward to seeing on screen? Funny thing, I can't think of much from Gunslinger I really want to "see" -- except the scenes in the mine with Jake and the slow mutants.
Over all, I enjoy Wolves of the Calla most. The feeling of the novel was great. Also, the unique method by which the town made war on the robot army was fantastic. Will it work on screen? Dunno! Wolves is kind of Star Trekish to me. They beam down into this town, where a separate plot plays out for most of the novel. Once the action is complete, they beam back to the road and travel on where no man has gone before. Yes, it is tied into the series, but it's nice to have the Ka-tet stop for a while.
By far, my favorite scenes from the series come from the second book, The Drawing of The Three. The beach is great, and when Roland begins passing through the doors -- I love it!
Here's a quick list of scenes I hope to catch in the movie:
Over all, I enjoy Wolves of the Calla most. The feeling of the novel was great. Also, the unique method by which the town made war on the robot army was fantastic. Will it work on screen? Dunno! Wolves is kind of Star Trekish to me. They beam down into this town, where a separate plot plays out for most of the novel. Once the action is complete, they beam back to the road and travel on where no man has gone before. Yes, it is tied into the series, but it's nice to have the Ka-tet stop for a while.
By far, my favorite scenes from the series come from the second book, The Drawing of The Three. The beach is great, and when Roland begins passing through the doors -- I love it!
Here's a quick list of scenes I hope to catch in the movie:
- The hand cart in the mine as Roland and Jake are chased by slow mutants. (Gunslinger)
- Eddie on the plane, passing his drugs into Roland's world. (Drawing of the 3)
- Detta Odetta. (Drawing of the 3) Someone has their work cut out for them making that hapen!
- The gangster gunfight. (Drawing of 3)
- Pulling Jake through. (Wastelands)
- Killing the Bear. (Wastelands)
- The passing through the world of The Stand. (Wizard and Glass)
- Roland with ruby slippers. (Wizard and Glass)
- The battle with the robots. (Wolves)
- Stephen King meets Roland Deschain. (Song of Susannah)
- The ascent of the Dark Tower. (Dark Tower)
- My wife wants to see Blane the Train. (Also known as the naughty version of the Disneyland monorail)
The real question remains: WHO WILL PLAY STEPHEN KING?
Roland -- Now Who?

I enjoyed Anthony Breznican's article on EW, asking who should join Javier Bardman in the Dark Tower seres. He highlights the three main supporting characters: Susannah Dean, Eddie Dean and Jake. He does a nice job wrestling with the issues at hand. And, he raises a good question: Who will they get to play Jake who will still be a child at the end of all those movies? http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/04/08/stephen-king-dark-tower-javier-bardem-cast/
Of course, I'm interested in some of the more "out there" characters. The Tick-Tock (Andrew Quick), I would suggest Matt Frewer who played Trashcan in The Stand. Andy just has to be played by Anthoney Daniels -- C-3PO.
Bardem: Closing in on the Dark Tower

Mike Fleming at Deadline reports, "is close to sealing his deal with Universal Pictures to play gunslinger Roland Deschain in The Dark Tower." http://www.deadline.com/2011/04/javier-bardem-closing-dark-tower-deal/
Scott Wampler put it this way: just today, word's come in that Universal is "this close" to hiring Bardem to play Roland Deschain, Gunslinger. Read on for the news, my fellow Tower junkies... http://www.examiner.com/dark-tower-in-national/javier-bardem-this-close-to-closing-a-deal-to-headline-dark-tower-franchise
All this on on top of the recent news that King has written another Dark Tower novel. I guess I better hunker down and finish #7.
1978 The Stand Journal 6: The Shining

The Shining is much more about Danny Torrance and his gift than it is about Jack. Danny has a gift -- he is able to "Shine." Dick Hallorann also has the gift of Shining. And, know who else "Shines" in the Stephen King universe? Mother Abagail also shines.
"I started having dreams two years before this plague ever fell. I've always dreamed, and sometimes my dreams have come true. Prophecy is the gift of God and everyone has a smidge of it. My own grandmother used to call it the shining lamp of God, sometimes just the shine." (p. 377, paperback)
Scary Monsters & Super Creeps at Imagi-Movies Fest

Steve Pond has posted some great details about the April 8-10 Imagi-Movies Fest. Looks awesome. Here's the link: http://production.thewrap.activelamp.com/movies/column-post/scary-monsters-super-creeps-imagi-movies-fest-26080
The festival opens this Friday, April 8 at Laemmle's Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills.
Pond writes, The festival will also include a Vincent Price Centennial celebration, a tribute to the 80th anniversary of "Dracula," a selection of movies based on H.P. Lovecraft's books and a rare screening of "Stephen King's Dollar Babies," short films drawn from King's short stories."
Salon: "Iffy" on Darkland?
Drew Grant at Salon has an article titled, “10 pieces of culture we're feeling iffy about.” Number one on his list. . . Ghost Brothers!
Grant writes, “Stephen King and John Mellencamp are making a musical: It's called "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County" and it's based on the death of two brothers and a young girl. Suddenly, the lyrics of "Jack & Diane" seem way more ominous.” http://www.salon.com/entertainment/movies/feature/story/index.html?story=/ent/movies/feature/2011/04/02/pop_torn_greys_anatomy_judge_judy
If this is actually “news” to Grant, he’s been living under a rock with the Gico cavemen. Or, he doesn’t read Lilja’s library – shame on him if that is the case. But the bigger question is, what is there to feel iffy about a Stephen King musical? Well, in a word – Carrie. Okay, but this isn’t Carrie! I checked the synopsis.
The story is set in the imaginary town of Lake Belle Reve, Mississippi and focuses on the 1957 deaths of 2 brothers and a young girl and the legend that develops from them. Mellencamp had the idea for the story, pulling it from a story he heard years ago in his hometown of Seymour, IN. According to Mellencamp, the story is going to be more like King's "The Green Mile" and is an "American story about an American family." King and Mellencamp stated the play will have a very fascinating, unique style. Mellencamp also stated it will have a Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it and that he wants to cover all music Americans have made so far. Mellencamp has written around 20 songs; some of them are: "You Don't Know Me," "My Name is Joe," and "Tear This Cabin down." http://www.onlineseats.com/theatre/ghost-brothers-of-darkland-county-tickets/index.asp
(could we say “story” a few more times?)
It’s a “Green Mile” like musical that will have a “Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it.” Okay. NOW I'm feeling iffy!
Of course, some King books have succcessfully made it to stage. In particular, Misery. Adding music to a King work does sound iffy on the surface. But what should be noted is that this is not an adaptation of a King story with music being forced into it; this is a work created for the music.
Is horror good musical material? Ever see a production called The Phantom of the Opera? Oh, and get this, it wasn’t written as a musical! It started out as a rambling novel by Gaston Leroux.
Grant writes, “Stephen King and John Mellencamp are making a musical: It's called "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County" and it's based on the death of two brothers and a young girl. Suddenly, the lyrics of "Jack & Diane" seem way more ominous.” http://www.salon.com/entertainment/movies/feature/story/index.html?story=/ent/movies/feature/2011/04/02/pop_torn_greys_anatomy_judge_judy
If this is actually “news” to Grant, he’s been living under a rock with the Gico cavemen. Or, he doesn’t read Lilja’s library – shame on him if that is the case. But the bigger question is, what is there to feel iffy about a Stephen King musical? Well, in a word – Carrie. Okay, but this isn’t Carrie! I checked the synopsis.
The story is set in the imaginary town of Lake Belle Reve, Mississippi and focuses on the 1957 deaths of 2 brothers and a young girl and the legend that develops from them. Mellencamp had the idea for the story, pulling it from a story he heard years ago in his hometown of Seymour, IN. According to Mellencamp, the story is going to be more like King's "The Green Mile" and is an "American story about an American family." King and Mellencamp stated the play will have a very fascinating, unique style. Mellencamp also stated it will have a Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it and that he wants to cover all music Americans have made so far. Mellencamp has written around 20 songs; some of them are: "You Don't Know Me," "My Name is Joe," and "Tear This Cabin down." http://www.onlineseats.com/theatre/ghost-brothers-of-darkland-county-tickets/index.asp
(could we say “story” a few more times?)
It’s a “Green Mile” like musical that will have a “Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it.” Okay. NOW I'm feeling iffy!
Of course, some King books have succcessfully made it to stage. In particular, Misery. Adding music to a King work does sound iffy on the surface. But what should be noted is that this is not an adaptation of a King story with music being forced into it; this is a work created for the music.
Is horror good musical material? Ever see a production called The Phantom of the Opera? Oh, and get this, it wasn’t written as a musical! It started out as a rambling novel by Gaston Leroux.
The Mentalist: "Red Mile"
This is cool. Just a couple of links: . , http://www.tvfanatic.com/2011/04/the-mentalist-review-red-mile/ . http://ipbiz.blogspot.com/2011/04/jabba-hut-coming-to-cbs.html
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