Stephen King Chides Governor LePage

In his weekly radio program, Maine governor LePage suggested that Stephen King left Maine because of the states income tax.
Meanwhile, remember who introduced the income tax here in Maine. Well, today former Governor Ken Curtis lives in Florida where there is zero income tax. Stephen King and Roxanne Quimby have moved away, as well.
Stephen King issued this response to Goernor LePage:
 "Governor LePage is full of the stuff that makes the grass grow green. Tabby and I pay every cent of our Maine state income taxes, and are glad to do it. We feel, as Governor LePage apparently does not, that much is owed from those to whom much has been given. We see our taxes as a way of paying back the state that has given us so much. State taxes pay for state services. There's just no way aRound it. Governor LePage needs to remember there ain't no free lunch."
Now it makes me wonder if the Republican Governor knows anything at all about Stephen King and politics.  Did he really think King, who has openly said he should pay more taxes, would leave the state because of taxes?

Amy Fried at Bangor Daily News points out that Stephen King has not left the state.  She writes:
 I live in Bangor and frequently walk past his house on West Broadway. There are often cars in the driveway with Maine plates. I sometimes see Stephen or Tabitha in Bangor. 
The Kings vote in Bangor. I’ve looked up their donations to federal candidates and they’re listed as Maine residents. 
Besides the Bangor home, they also own a home in western Maine. Plus there’s a house in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. I'll admit I'm less concerned about what this entry says about King in his relation to his turf than it does about the citizens and the major gap between them and their elected officials.

    I think it shows a sign of a public official who should be kept an eye on for the sake of not getting railroaded in any economic way, really.

