Clown Therapy

Belper news reports that a touring circus is offering 'clown therapy' sessions before its shows.
The article claims that no less than 200 million people suffer from coulrophobia (fear of clowns). It also notes that the fear is "long-standing." Of course, that's just the beginning of what I've learned! For instance, Coulrophobia comes from the Greek word 'coulros', meaning 'one who goes on stilts'. Coulrophobia was placed just behind the fear of spiders and needles in a recent poll of phobias in the UK.
A circus touring in Duffield is offering "clownselling" sessions. Gosh Wally, just the name gives me shivers. In fact, one of the clowns says that they hope to help people find their "inner-clown." Oh, I hope so!
Now get this, "Ringmaster Mr Endresz said: The situation has been made worse by the media. There are many horror films such as Stephen King's It, or even The Joker in Batman that portray the clown in a sinister light, and have subsequently heightened the fear of the clown."
HAS ANYONE CONSIDERED: Maybe people are scared of clowns because they are actually scary. and perhaps the fear goes far back because a certain clown named Pennywise has been terrorizing generations! Maybe the problem is that all the adults who actually realize the clown is scary go to therapy instead of taking the evil on!

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