Blogger meets George Orwell

 I opened blogger today to discover several emails from a very hyper oversight team at blogger, who insisted the posts at talk stephen king violate their community standards.  Of course, these are really old posts, that mostly link to other sites.  And none of it violates any community standard.  which explains why after that set of crazy emails, I got another set of emails saying to never mind, they had reevaluated their censorship of my site.

What had the post done that so deeply violated ther "community" standards?  They wouldn't tell me.  Just a link to a giant list of things that could get you banned.  None of which were present in the content they were upset about.

Oh, and they are upset about my daughter holding a up a Stephen King book in the bookstore.  Really, which community guideline does that violate?  Really?

So I'll take the blog down. And probably a lot of other people will takes theirs down too.  Because I suspect America isn't spending a lot of time reading blogs.

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