Books About Stephen King

I really enjoy books about Stephen King's work. When a novelist creates a body of work as large as Mr. King has, it is interesting to see how it ties together. And King has been intentionally drawing his work closer and closer together over the years.
Here's a short list of some of my favorite book about Stephen King:
Best biography: Stephen King, America's Boogy Man. Hands down the best, in my opinion. Focuses primarily on King as a writer, leaving his private life. . . private! The biography has a nice flow, Beahm is not given to long annoying pauses with childhood and distant relatives.
Best Companion: The Stephen King Companion, again by Mr. Beahm. As a teenager I tore through this book. I think I like these because you don't have to read them in any order. . . just jump around through the book and look into the articles you like. King of like digging througha scrap book. I look forward to the new companion by Bev Vincent. And. . . whatever the new book Lilja's Library is putting out (through Cemetary Dance). I also like Doughlas Winter's the Art Of Darkness. Personally i am not a big fan of Shape under the Sheets. the material is awkwardly organized and it is, frankly, too big to manage.
Best book on the Dark Tower: I think two books are important in this area: The Road to the Dark Tower and The Stephen King Universe. In the first book, Vincent skillfully outlines the novels and puts the story together. It is indeed exactly what it promises to be. The Stephen King Universe is unique to me. I had given up on Stephen King completely, even given away my books. Then I read The Stephen King Universe and everything clanged. I didn't know all the stories were connecting together through the Dark Tower! I had obviously noticed something was up with Wizard and Glass and The Stand (duh). . . but it took this book to point out the obvious. I got so excited, I dived back into Stephen King. I think this one book brought me back to a writer I really liked and showed me a depth I had missed.
Best book about King's movies: Creepshows. This one gives lots of pictures, moves chronologically and is full of interesting facts. Though it is getting outdated now.
Interesting books include: The Essential S.K. , The Science of S.K.

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